
Esthetician Elena

Facials in
Las Vegas

Maintaining the beauty and health of your skin is a worthwhile investment.

Maintaining the beauty and health of your skin is a worthwhile investment.

Customized facial

By customizing skin care routine use incorporating well-established skin care products. Based on you concerns, I will select the best solution to rejuvenate and preserve the beauty of your skin.

During the procedure, you will be given a deep cleansing, exfoliation and extraction, if necessary, a mask, serums, moisturizing and nourishing creams will be applied. Also massage and sun protection.

The procedure is aimed at relaxing, cleansing and restoring the natural glow of the skin. Additional services may be offered to you. Recommendations and assistance in choosing skin care products.

  • Customized Facial → $125  (50 MIN)

Signature facial

The signature facial treatment in Summerlin area is a unique approach to your skin. Analysis of the skin condition and concerns of the client, choosing the best way to reсover the beauty of your skin.

You will receive skin cleansing, exfoliation of superficial layers, massage, extraction if necessary. Apply masks, serums, vitamins. Necessarily moisturizer and sun protector. Also included in this service is one of the additional services.

 This is the time to relax and immerse yourself in the pleasant atmosphere of caring for the health of your skin. Recommendations and assistance in choosing skin care products. We will draw up a plan for maintaining skin health or anti-aging treatments.

  • Signature Facial → $200 (80 MIN)

Hydra facial

Hydra Facial, is a non-invasive, multi-step facial treatment that combines the benefits of hydra superficial exfoliation, extractions, and a specialized delivery of serums. It is designed to improve overall skin health and address a variety of skin concerns. 

On a specially designed equipment, the necessary funds are delivered to the skin, and then a small vacuum removes everything. The skin is gently softened, cleansed, exfoliated and prepared to absorb all the nutrients.

During this procedure, you will feel professional care and additional skin hydration. This is the best skin treatment for Las Vegas locals painless skin hydration. At your request, you can get a plan to maintain your beauty. 

  • Hydrafacial → $150 (70 MIN)

Facial Detox

This facial treatment specifically targets deep cleansing. Ideal for problem, acne or oily skin. Deep cleansing, softening of pores, gentle exfoliation. Moisturizing and nutrition, as well as controlling oil production, will prevent inflammatory processes and the appearance of acne.

It is well suited for young and busy people and can easily fit into their life schedule. Choose facial detox it is a great option to take care of your skin at an affordable price. 

  • Facial detox → $95 (30 MIN)
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